B2B Telemarketing as a key to success.
Growth by focussing on your customer relationships and direct communication
If you want to be successful you need clear structures. Important prerequisites for long lasting success are not only the division of your customers into different segments but as well the permanent and regular dialogue with new and existing customers. Especially companies which are focused on growth are using more and more this kind of sales practice: B2B telemarketing.
Saupe B2B telemarketing: long-term planning is essential for obtaining efficient call center results.
The success of customer communication is based on various factors. If you manage to involve your clients into the performance process you increase the chances of a long-lasting and responsible business relationship by gaining new customers as well as taking care of existing customers. It is not only important how you talk to your customers but it is important how often you communicate and with which product variety. From the beginning, the customer relationship will be professionally monitored, valuated and assessed. This is how Saupe Telemarketing is laying the foundation for their successful customer care concept.
A continuous dialogue is the basis for an orientation on customer needs. The main questions where your success will be based on are: How can I, as a company, find out the wishes and needs of my clients – and how can I comply with them? These questions cannot be answered by observing a customer’s behaviour. It needs a dialogue. Therefore you need the personal communication and this is the point where we start: Our experienced call centre agents develop new and care about existing customer relationships with B2B telemarketing.
Saupe’s B2B Telemarketing core competencies are:
- Acquisition of potential clients
- Qualified appointments
- Contact persons
- Follow up on campaigns
- Handling customer inquiries
- Customer and address qualification
- Lead Generation Approaching new customers
- Binding regular customers – CRM
- Customer care calls Supporting customers
- Cross campaigns
- Retention of customers
- B2B Telemarketing to optimize campaigns
Switch from focussing on the product to focussing on customer needs
The interest on customers should not be limited to make a certain turnover with them. This is Saupe’s Telemarketing concept with B2B telemarketing. Only by getting involved in challenges, strategies, organisations and processes of your clients you will be successful today. Customer Relation and customer satisfaction are control elements which are mentioned in the renown management literature. To make it simple: It is not about selling a product, it is about the clients’ needs. This is where Saupe Telemarketing starts with its B2B Teleamarketing. It is not limited to consequently caring for regular customers, it is much much more.
Contact us: Saupe B2B Telemarketing will support you in all sales phases
- pre sales
- sales
- after sales
Our core competencies?
An analytical and strategically way of thinking together with a convincing practice for technical products and high-ranking services..! And the experience from over 20 years in the marketing sector.
All other information will be given during our first personal interview. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry: